The Watershed was conceived and founded in 2016 by Marco Honegger in the Principality of Monaco

Created for Humanitarian purposes and as a non governmental organization “The Watershed” thanks to its relationship with the Swiss company Seas offers superior solutions to water problems in environmentally challenged areas of our planet in an efficient, green, and sustainable way.

The Watershed engineers and provides sustainable water solutions, even for free, based upon Seas’ standard or ad hoc systems. These Seas systems solutions can be managed directly by whomever receives it. The Seas integrated water making machine produces drinking and distilled water and provides by products such as thermal energy, which can be reused for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and dehumidification purposes. It is an innovative process which can be fitted with an integrated bottling system, powered by diesel or gas generators; as well as alternative energy sources such as solar energy, wind power, and other renewable energy sources.

The Watershed is a worldwide humanitarian venture customized for each specific geographical and economical need and also provides much larger international humanitarian organizations a multitude of solutions for all water scarcity problems.

Who we are




President & Goodwill Ambassador


General Secretary



OurKids & The Watershed collaborating for The Prince Albert ll Foundation of Monaco

Created for humanitarian purposes and as a non governmental organization “The Watershed” thanks to its relationship with the Swiss company SEAS SA offers superior solutions to water problems in environmentally challenged areas of our planet in an efficient, green, and sustainable way. Founded in 2016 by Marco Honegger in the Principality of Monaco this NGO will now… in collaboration with OurKids… provide water solutions across our home planet. OurKids has joined forces with The Watershed to create a worldwide humanitarian venture customized for each specific geographical and economical need while providing much larger international humanitarian organizations a multitude of solutions for all water scarcity problems.

HSH Prince Albert ll of Monaco on behalf of his PA ll Foundation received on March 16th the donation of this machine capable of producing water from air. The Foundation Prince Albert ll will now in turn donate the machine to one of many projects being developed and followed by humanitarian associations in the Principality. We will keep you posted about where our Watershed is eventually placed…